
In stock

SKU cft20cmkiw
Unit Piece
Availability 120
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Description / Kiwi

Italy's top glazed porcelain tile, each tile is 20x20cm and 6.5mm thick. Each tile weighs 800g. 25 tiles per square meter. Cut using a Rubi Cutter along with the Mini Tile Cutter.

More Information

SKU cft20cmkiw
barcode 8720004090143
Usage/Application Bathroom, Fireplace, Floor, Frost Resistant, Heavy Traffic, Hobby, Indoor, Kitchen, Outdoor, Pool, Sauna and Spa, UV-A Resistant, Walls, Wet Areas
Mounting Loose
Colour Green
Unit Piece
Material Stoneware
Tile size 20x20cm
Shape Square
Sheet size N/A
Tiles/sheet N/A
Pieces per weight 1/600g
Thickness 6mm
Finish Glazed, Matte
Transparency Opaque
Weight 0.800000