H6004 Sweet Pink: 50g

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SKU ctarch6004
Unit 50 g
Availability 17
mosaic, tiles, mozaiek, tegels, tessera, sicis, bisazza, glass mosaic, ceramic mosaic, mosaik, mosaic tiles, mosaic art, pool tiles, art mosaic, byzantine mosaic, roman mosaic, tesserae, smalti, perdomo, dona, ravenna, winckelmans, cinca, cesi, leponitt, weldbond, mapei, diy mosaic, mosaic kits, recycled mosaic, porcelain mosaic,

Description / H6004 Sweet Pink: 50g

The building block of mosaics since the beginning of the art was the square; and next came the rectangle. Edging, outlining, and detail were formed by painstakingly cutting squares into rectangles. Now we have done the hard work for you with our molded, formed, and glazed rectangle mix in low-fired ceramic. The longest is 20mm and the shortest is 10mm so that you will always find one that works in your project. The mix is made up of:
4mm x 10mm • 6mm x 15mm • 10mm x 20mm. All are 4mm thick. These are not suitable for outdoors unless they are sealed on the back first.


More Information

SKU ctarch6004
barcode 8720004100293
Usage/Application Bathroom, Hobby, Indoor, Sauna and Spa, UV-A Resistant, Walls
Mounting Loose
Colour Terracotta
Unit 50 g
Material Ceramic
Tile size Mixed
Shape Rectangle
Pieces per weight 60/50g
Thickness 4mm
Finish Glazed
Transparency Opaque
Weight 0.055000