Mini Linpi Blue

In stock

SKU ma10mlnp500
Unit 500 g
Availability 96
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Description / Mini Linpi Blue

Although these tiles are thinner than the cubes, remember they are natural stone and crystalline in structure so cutting precisely may take time to master—for best results, use the wheeled porcelain nipper from Rubi; other wheeled cutters may be used but the wheels will need changing more frequently. Always seal with beeswax or stone sealant BEFORE grouting as coloured grout may stain the tesserae. Each is 10×10 mm and 4mm thick.
50g = ±50 pieces・500g = ±450 pieces・1m² = ±8 kg


More Information

SKU ma10mlnp500
barcode 8720004090921
Usage/Application Bathroom, Fireplace, Floor, Frost Resistant, Heavy Traffic, Hobby, Indoor, Kitchen, Outdoor, Pool, Sauna and Spa, UV-A Resistant, Walls, Wet Areas
Mounting Loose
Colour Grey
Unit 500 g
Material Stone
Tile size 10x10mm
Shape Square
Sheet size N/A
Tiles/sheet N/A
Pieces per weight 1000/1000g
Thickness 4mm
Finish Matte, Natural/tumbled
Transparency Opaque
Weight 0.550000