Sky Blue: #L

In stock

SKU smemxl
Unit Piece
Availability 14
*1 plaquette
*5-6mm thick
*14 plaquettes = 1 kg
*150 pieces = 1 m²
*Ravenna cut Emaux
*Traditional smalti recipe
*Cuts beautifully using classic stained glass techniques or with modern wheeled nippers.
**Use caution—cut edges are very sharp

Description / Sky Blue: #L

Ravenna cut Emaux made from traditional smalti recipe. Each plaquette is 8×8cm and 5-6 mm thick. We recommend the score and snap nipper to make geometric shapes and an oil-filled cutter with a running plier for more precise work. Perfect for large scale murals or floors insertions. May also be used to create a frieze in bathrooms and pools. 14 plaquettes = 1 kg・150 pieces = 1 m²


More Information

SKU smemxl
barcode 8720004053179
Usage/Application Bathroom, Fireplace, Floor, Frost Resistant, Heavy Traffic, Hobby, Indoor, Kitchen, Outdoor, Pool, Sauna and Spa, UV-A Resistant, Walls, Wet Areas
Mounting Loose
Colour Blue
Unit Piece
COE Unknown
Material Glass
Tile size 8x8cm
Shape Square
Pieces per weight 1/80g
Thickness 5mm
Finish Silky
Transparency Opaque
Weight 0.150000