Stix: 01 Bright White: 50g

In stock

SKU sngstx01
Unit 50 g
Availability 70
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Description / Stix: 01 Bright White: 50g

STIX made from double-fired, sintered glass mosaic for exceptional strength, as well as beauty. UVA- and frost-resistant, they are suitable for use indoors and outside. They are wonderful for outlining and infilling in complex or simple designs, and combine well with smalti. Easily cut with wheeled nippers. Each tile is 20×6mm, and 5mm thick. 50g = ±45 pieces・500g = ±450 pieces


More Information

SKU sngstx01
barcode 8720004093700
Usage/Application Bathroom, Fireplace, Floor, Frost Resistant, Heavy Traffic, Hobby, Indoor, Kitchen, Outdoor, Pool, Sauna and Spa, UV-A Resistant, Walls, Wet Areas
Mounting Loose
Colour White
Unit 50 g
COE Mixed
Material Glass
Tile size 20mm
Shape Rectangle
Pieces per weight 45/50g
Thickness 5mm
Finish Gloss
Transparency Opaque
Weight 0.055000